CONCEIVING A FAMILY - How to Get Pregnant and Stay Pregnant

conceive baby
Increase Your Likelihood of Getting Pregnant – 5 Important Steps

You're ready to start a family! After you have decided to conceive, it seems like a long journey from day one to parenthood. To raise your odds of conceiving a baby easily and rapidly, take these five important steps today.

1.    Make an appointment with your health practitioner. Whether you'll be seeing an obgyn, your family doctor, or a nurse midwife, don't wait for a positive pregnancy test before making an appointment.   An early visit can increase your odds of conception by giving your doctor a chance to screen you for possible conception troubles before they arise.  She can also resolve any concerns you might have about trying to become pregnant and recommend prenatal vitamins. She can help you arrange a diet and nutrition plan which also might increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby naturally and quickly.

2. It's the right time for healthy life style improvements.  If you smoke, quit today. Smoking cigarettes disturbs your body's capacity to use the hormone estrogen, which is essential to getting pregnant.

Also, if you are under weight or obese, you can greatly enhance your likelihood of getting pregnant by attaining a healthy body weight for your size.  Weight and fertility are related. Being overweight or underweight also changes the typical balance of estrogen in your body which can make it tough for you to conceive a baby.

3.    Begin a pre-pregnancy journal. To increase your chances of of becoming conceiving quickly and naturally, you should learn your personal fertility factors.  Use your journal to note when your menstrual cycle commences, how many days it continues, and how long it typically is until your next period starts.  Also take note of which days you are most fertile (for example, when your cervical mucus is present) and when you have sex with your partner.  This additional personal information is potentially very important for your general practitioner or midwife should you have any issues becoming pregnant.

4.    Don't forget to drink lots of water.  Your system generates cervical mucus each month that transforms into an excellent sperm expressway during the times you are very fertile.  Yet, if you are dehydrated, the body may stop or severely limit the production of cervical secretions and your plan to conceive your baby might be stalled. To increase your odds of conception each month, stay hydrated to facilitate your natural fertility.

5.    Have (more) sex! Granted, this tip appears trite at best, and yet a number of prospective parents simply aren't having enough intercourse at the precise times to get pregnant quickly.  Once your ovaries have released an egg, the period for conception is only a few hours long.  In the event you wait to have sex until you are sure you are ovulating, you may have missed your chance!  The good news is, semen can live and remain potent in your fallopian tubes for 3 to 5 days.  To enhance your likelihood of conceiving a child, your egg should be released from your ovary to waiting sperm. Have sexual intercourse once per day (or every second day) within the 4-5 days before you expect to ovulate and two to 3 days after you think you have ovulated to amplify your likelihood of getting pregnant.

Take the above mentioned five steps for a head start towards conceiving the baby of your dreams! Be sure to ask your doctor if you have any questions or need more advice.